Painting Alphington Residential Project: Californian Bungalow Is Reborn!

Painting Alphington Residential Project: Californian Bungalow Is Reborn!

Painting Alphington homes in Melbourne are always enjoyable for the Staunch Greco crew. Alphington stands out as a Melbourne suburb in many positive ways. It is a suburb that retains a very strong sense of community. Among so many beautiful homes and blocks of land, a strong community of people thrives.

You can easily observe this walking through the streets and observing/talking with locals. There’s a good deal of collective community activity. It’s also great to see so many locals concerned with eco-friendly measures and sustainable practices. Painting Alphington houses means our crew get a lot of friendly waves and discussions when on site. How can that not make a painting crew extra happy?

We were delighted when our clients reached out to us with a very staunch mission indeed:
Painting Alphington Californian Bungalow. The Complete Exterior

How could we refuse? Painting Alphington heritage home in one of our favorite Melbourne suburbs. The team was pumped!

We held a colour and style consultation with our client, who was interested in retaining the original three colours of the Californian bungalow. A brilliant mixture of cottage white, sea bottle green and olive green. Our client decided on using Astec paints, a great 100% Australian made manufacturer with an excellent sustainability program.  Astec matched all three colour for our project.

The project consisted of the painting of timber walls, eaves and facias, window frames, garage ceiling and doors, and heritage pillars.

alphington painting melbourne   alphington painting melbourne

alphington painting melbourne


Below are the results of the stunning transformation of this Californian bungalow. Fresh and vibrant. What a difference !

Residential Exterior Painting Project Alphington Staunch Greco Industries exterior painting alphington staunch greco industries melbourne

exterior residential painting melbourne staunch greco industries exterior residential project alphington staunch greco industries

alphington painting melbourne exterior staunch greco industries


Restoring the heritage pillars is a specialized process.

alphington painting melbourne

Step 1:
The team removes the old paint by using a chipping process with our trusty tools. This is necessary as we must begin the render restoration with the original brick work.

render restoration historical homes melbourne

Step 2:

Once most of the old paint is removed, we begin to apply a sealing coat in order to protect and seal the brick work.

Step 3:

We prepare a cement mixture with water and apply it evenly onto the pillars. This can be a lengthy process: waiting for the cement to dry. This could take several weeks. It could even take a few months. This depends entirely on weather conditions and to what degree the pillars are exposed to direct sunlight. The wetter the weather is, the longer it takes to dry. The less direct sun light they get, the longer it can take to dry.

The team regularly monitor pillars throughout the project by taking temperature readings. Once temperature readings show that it is completely dry. It is onto the next stage!

render restoration historical houses melbourne 

Step 4:

We begin by applying a white sealer over the dried cement.

render restoration painting staunch greco industries

Once this is dry, we apply the first coat of chosen paint colour. Once this is dry, we apply a second coat. Then we apply a third coat. Once the third coat of paint is dry, render restoration is complete!!

restoration heritage homes pillars melbourne staunch greco industries


Do you have a residential or commercial property that you would like a quote on? Staunch Greco Industries can provide you with a free no-obligation quote. Contact us on 1300 782 862 or via the contact form on our website.